Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Lust of Politics : Mass Movement        政治最情欲的一面:群眾運動

The experience of mass movement participation makes me gradually accept a point: politics, especially political mass movement is almost the same with the essence of lust.

In the acme of lust, one loses his consciousness about self-boundary and throws oneself into the one, and the only one common experience of orgasm of human. It may be called the absoluteness of lust. One in the political mass movement attaches himself to a slogan. While everyone attaches to it, the acclaimation of the slogan becomes a common mass experience. At the highest point, self-boundary consciousness of everyone dissipates in the incantatory slogan and people achieve the ecstasy state of orgasm. In biology, terrestrial creature rarely achieve orgasm in synch contrary to amphibia or aquatics. However, the political mass movement turns human into coral, which could achieve synchronized orgasm in mass scale. The slogans shouted by the people are like the sperm and eggs ejaculated by the coral. It is a miracle of sex evolution.

Lust also follows the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Therefore, there are two results of the great emptiness after the orgasm. Resorting to more radical measure to achieve the same utility of previous orgasm or the ebb of lust. In political mass movement, Cultural Revolution in China is the former. The pursuit of orgasm at mass movement is beyond the right or wrong of the slogans. Ultimately, it is the endless of killing. Because the smell of blood could bring human the primary satisfaction and excitement. People Power in Philippines is the later. What kind the mass movement in Taiwan now for the recall of President Chen Shui-bian is? I think it's more like the People Power in which the Philippino failed to recall the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo allegedly involving in the reelection maneuver. The passion for mass movement in Taiwan is not so strong as 1980s and 1990s. Neither is the Peopl Power now comparing with it that caused Ferdinand Marcos to be exiled 20 years ago. Though no passion anymore, I believe most people are calmer to support or oppose Chen Shui-bian. This may not be a bad thing. After all, too much passion and too many slogans really deprive one's judgement and thinking.




Tuesday, June 27, 2006

FaxZero to U.S. and Canada

Fax to U.S. and Canada without charge! I fax a Word file to U.S. through it and everything is fine in the process of my application. PDF file is ok. Though it would contain a commercial page and have a limit of 3 pages each time. I still think it's useful. Next time you have to fax to U.S. or Canada, don't forget it.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Engineers Talking in Mandarin.

Once I worked at AUO, which is the liquid crystal display manufacturer in Taiwan, I was responsible for a batch of penals running through a specific section of process. However, the machine system was not totally automatic yet. So I call a japanese engineer who accompanied with a translator and an American Engineer responsible for a kind of moving loader. Guess what language we used? Mandarin.

At that moment, I wonder if the era of Mandarin is coming. So many years of learning English, I never imagine that I don't have to say an English alphabet at a group of foreign engineers. The current issue of Time Asia reveals the trend of learing Mandarin with the rise of China. I suggest the Taiwan Minister of Education, Tu Cheng-sheng, to read about it. I hope it would be helpful to many children who are cramming up the arcane symbols of Taiwanese.



Monday, June 19, 2006

Political and Diplomatic Odyssey: Madam Secretary : A Memoir

A woman, a not pretty woman, a divorced woman, a woman having grandchildren, and a woman whose birth place is Czech had power second to the President of the United States. As a Secretary of State, she said herself may be not smart but work very hard. I think she is too humble. In the bloody power struggle of Capitol Hill, it takes more than hard word. It takes wisdom.

However, no matter how wise she is, it does not equal she leaves no controversy during her service of Secretary of State. This memoir could be viewed as her self-defense. I think the bi-standard policy toward Kosovo and Chechen is the most serious stigma of her work. The United States desperately fired missiles to Serbian in the name of stopping genocide to Albanian. However, it is also the United States that remained silent while the Russian tanks drove over the bodies of the Chechen people. In the memoir, Albright does not provide a clear explanation about it. It reveals that interest, not human right, is everything in the diplomacy of the United States.

The life journey of Madeleine Albright is an odyssey. From the memoir, we can learn not only about the way of diplomacy work, or what the Secretary of State does but also the history since World War Two, especially the European history and Cold War in "American version". She is a good storyteller, and you won't be bored.

Author: Madeleine Albright
Publisher: Miramax Books
Publish Date: September 16, 2003
ISBN: 0786868430

Sunday, June 18, 2006

ATB: Long Way Home

This DJ from Germany is famous for his versatile style of trance music. He definitely pushs melodic trance up to a brand new level and revolutionize this genre. In 2005, he went further globalized by opening up the American market and had a series of world tour including China. I have noticed him since 2002 and it is great to hear ATB was ranked in the Top 10 DJ last year. ATB's music is not lonely.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Nintendo Wii


The bloody game is not Nintendo's usual style. Maybe Nintendo has to compromise with the game market. The greatest difference of Nintendo's console to that of Sony and Microsoft is the remote, the interface between the user and the console could sense the motion of the user. Therefore, if you play a tennis game, you have to swing the remote as a rocket. In a fishing game, you have to swing it as a fishing rod. Nintendo's ambition is to lower the barrier of playing a video game for everyone from young to old. This is the blue ocean strategy of Nintendo, and it is fun.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Game Theory: 博弈論--戰略分析入門

The non-technical introduction to Game Theory means no daunting and perplexing mathematics that is the eccential tool at the analysis in Game Theory. The author resorts to instintive way to present the theory, so you could get the basic ideas of it very quickly.

This book may be the one most worth reading to me in the first half of this year. It's "cool". In my definition, the book I would call it cool is a book that will revolutionize my view toward the world. Game Theory not only could be used in the economical field but also biology, etc. You will recognize how powerful and ubiquitous the theory is. Read it, and you won't regret at all.



Game Theory: A Non-Technical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy.
Author: Roger A. McCain
Publisher: South-Western College Pub
Publish Date: September 17, 2003
ISBN: 0324175728

Translator: 原毅軍 陳艷瑩 張國峰
Publisher: 機械工業出版社,北京
Publish Date: May, 2006
ISBN: 7111186443

Wednesday, June 14, 2006




我是一個外人,香港的國際化令我印象深刻,半島酒店的華麗,彌敦道上銀樓的仁丹鬍印度守門人,天星碼頭賣的New York Time、泰文報及Die Welt德文報,東南亞的小吃,還有中環的國際商業氣息。最震撼我的是一個精神異常的男人,看起來是個落魄的流浪漢,在渡輪上不停地咀咒別人,可是我仔細一聽,他居然是操著一口美式英語,流利的不得了,實在讓我汗顏。這是我眼中的香港,就像香港的加薑可樂一樣,中西混雜,有著難以言喻的味道與風情。

胡燕青的香港是市井街頭的一面,她的文字活潑靈動,好的不得了,香港就在她的字裡行間中活了起來,呈現我們外人看不到的一面。她以香港的街道為主軸,串起了她自小成長中的香港人,香港樓,香港事,你會知道香港除了維多利亞港及巴士大叔之外,還有生龍活虎基層港人,Hong Kong在她的筆下跳脫了風景明信片的呆板,立體化了起來,還有濃濃的人情味。






Monday, June 12, 2006











Sunday, June 11, 2006



出版日期:2006 年 03 月 27 日

Wednesday, June 07, 2006



Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Google Spreadsheets

雖然Google聲稱只提供有限試用人數,但以申請Google Homepage服務的經驗來說,有註冊應該就不會被拒絶,這項服務可以在Google Labs申請,Google Homepage強調所見即所得的網頁編輯,還不賴。

Sunday, June 04, 2006




貨幣政策最核心的目標是保持低定的通貨膨脹,同時促進潜在產出最大化(低失業率是其中一項指標),不過愈低的失業率會造成通貨膨脹的上升,而美國聯儲會前主席Alan Greenspan在90年代確維持低通膨低失業率水準,這奠定他江湖一哥的地位。這位老謀深算的傢伙,對於聯準會的政策總是說得不清不楚,讓市場對他的解讀多空分歧,他的繼位者Ben Bernanke就曾對他的風格多所批判,結果上個月他的失言(在國會聽證會表明結束貨幣緊縮政策,而在記者的私下訪問確説市場解讀錯誤),正是他的坦然引發市場過度反映,導致五月初全球股市重挫,本來看空下半年日本的我,計劃於五月下旬賣出日本基金,結果就失血,這筆帳要算在他頭上。




Saturday, June 03, 2006

0.99 美元 = iPod 一首歌 = MP3Sugar 一張專輯
