Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Good News Channel: The Real News

我喜歡非正統經濟學院出身的經濟學家,因為他們不太會被即有教科書的意識形態所綁架,像哲學體系出身的印裔學者Amartya Sen是很好的例子,他會直指經濟學基本假設的謬誤,他不僅只於批評而已,他的名著Rationality and Freedom使用華麗的邏輯論述將理性與自由兩個抽像名詞架橋起來,正統經濟學院出身的人反而做不出如此傑出的工作.

喬姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)也是另類,他是語言學出身的猶太裔學者.語言是思維的基礎,和心理學也有相關,當涉入經濟學領域時,他對經濟學的洞見是一針見血.這位於MIT執教的老頭子,話無虛發,其書不可不看,其話不可不聽. 

很開心在The Real News上看到他的訪談.以下的The Real News 的網址:

I like unorthodox economist. The reason is that they are unlikely to be kidnapped by the ideologies in the economics textbooks. The indian philosopher Amartya Sen is a good intance that he could point out the error in the basic economics assumption. He is not only a critisizer but also a constructor. In his famous book, "Rationality and Freedom", he elegantly uses splendid logics to bridge these two abstract nouns and achieve something that orthodox economist can not do.

Noam Chomsky is also pretty alternative in economics. He is a jewish scholar in linquistics. The studying of linquistics concerns with phsycology and languages which is the base of thoughts. While dealing with economics, his critics are unusually sharp. Now still teaching at MIT, his books are a must to read and his discourse is a must to listen.  

I am glad that the Real News provides the interviews of Chomsky. Such in-depth opinions are rare in now-a-time American media, the link of this news channel is shown above.