Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Iconoclast of Prejudice toward Poverty: The End of Poverty

What is the motivation to for a professor in the ivory tower to get into the real world and deal with the never-solved problem in human society-poverty?

Jeffrey D. Sachs is incredible not just because he got the tenure at Harvard at the age of 28, but he dare to challenge the economics books and choose to get into the real world to observe, fine the truth, devise strategies, advocate with the uncompromised, and then manage to make it real – eliminate extreme poverty. With his erudite knowledge and wisdom, with his unended will and motivation to fight with poverty, he shows in the book that there is really a hope and a way to make extreme poverty an end. His work is an enlightenment to us and worth reflection in our mind that what a truly scholar is – not just a paper writer, not just a lecturer in class, but also an tenacious actionist to solve a real world problem that most people think it’s unsolvable.

Author: Jeffrey D. Sachs

Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics) (February 28, 2006)

ISBN-10: 0143036580

ISBN-13: 978-0143036586
